This research lab was established to carry out theoretical research with some practical applications in Computer Vision, Biomedical Imaging, and Wireless Sensor Networks.
The lab has already carried out research in brain CT and MR Image segmentation and registration, congestion avoidance in Wireless Sensor Networks, underwater object detection, and granular computing based on object and background classification.
Currently, this lab focuses on video object detection and tracking, video object detection and shadow removal, multimodal image registration.
The Laboratory of Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles (SGEV) makes it possible to put into practice the concepts, algorithms, and scientific knowledge generated by the Power & Energy Systems cluster.
This implementation ranges from elementary prototypes/proof of concept to complete demonstrators installed in the field.
The major research areas are Protection, control, and power management in smart-grid and microgrid, Electric Vehicle modeling, design and analysis, Power converter control.
Computational Intelligence and Biomedical Informatics is the main pillar of multidisciplinary research nowadays.
This LAB will give the glimpse of the technologies towards the undergraduate and postgraduate students through their courses like Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Machine Learning (ML), and Soft Computing (SC), Algorithm for Bioinformatics (ABI), Pattern Recognition (PR), Data Mining (DM), and Information Retrieval (IR), etc.
The laboratory is working on Bioprospecting of unexplored and underexplored medicinal plants involving phytochemical and molecular analysis including the following aspects.
Selection of elite germplasm of commercially important medicinal plants
Development of ANN model for prediction and optimization of drug yield.
Phytochemical profiling of medicinal plants through Chromatographic techniques.
Transcriptome and Genetic Diversity analysis.
Cost-effective post-harvest technology development in Turmeric.
Genome to drug discovery and development for multiple antibiotics resistant ESKAPE bacteria employing multiple omics approach through understanding the molecular mechanisms of resistance and in silico design, in vitro and in vivo functional validation.
Taxonomic, structural, and functional diversity study of various ecological niches: Hot springs, water bodies, and oral cavity.
In this lab genetic diversity assessment of various plant groups, DNA Barcoding for authentic identification of land plants.
Transcriptome analysis and differential Gene expression analysis .
Conservation and molecular documentation of rare, endangered , and medicinal plant species.
In-vitro propagation of medicinal and aromatic plants.
The laboratory is engaged with the work on the impact of environmental stress, hexavalent chromium pollution, toxicity, elite plant species for polluted sites, and phytoremediation.
Work on wastewater treatment, bioremediation decolorization, detoxification, and mineralization is carried out.
Plant biotechnology lab is involved in natural product research through GC-MS and HPLC analysis of different medicinal and aromatic plants.
The lab works mainly on immunobiology and host-pathogen Interaction.
Other than this we are also working on a biofilm model of the different pathogen as well as its therapeutic approach.
The Laboratory presently investigating the cellular and molecular mechanism of neurological outcomes of anthropogenic toxicants exposure by modelling Zebrafish.
The Laboratory also educate and trains new investigators by giving hands on training on various experimental techniques to understand basics and fundamental of neuroscience.
Investigators in the Neurobiology Laboratory have proficiency in behavioral neuroscience, pharmacological neuroscience, toxicological neuroscience, etc.
It work towards understanding the functional connection between stress response and development of neurodegenerative diseases.
This lab is engaged in microbial biosurfactants and their various biotechnological applications like the effect of biosurfactants on cancer cells, the study of biofilm inhibitory capacity of biosurfactants, etc.
This lab is also engaged in the green and chemical synthesis of different metal nanoparticles and moderates their Physico-chemical parameters for antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities.
Another aspect of research of this lab is the bioleaching of manganese from its various ores and its commercial applications.
Functional Genomics Lab is mainly working on plant-pathogen interactions, transcriptome profiling, molecular gene cloning, and characterization of disease resistance genes as well as essential oil biosynthesis genes.
The lab is also involved in the development of a PCR-based diagnostic marker for the early detection of disease-resistant plants.
Further, the lab is putting its fullest effort into translational research by transferring technology from the lab to land. More than 50 novel gene sequences have been submitted to the NCBI database. More than 50 research papers have been published from this lab in reputed Journals.
The objective of this lab is to provide the students of Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Research Scholar:
To learn how to use cloud services.
To know the importance of virtualization technology in support of cloud Computing.
To implement thread model and task scheduling algorithms using Aneka Cloud.
To apply Map-reduce concept to applications and its implementation using Aneka cloud.
To analyze case studies to derive the best practice model to apply when developing and deploying cloud-based applications.
The lab has 2 major focus areas.
Structure-based drug design and lead optimization for the development of anti-infective drug candidates.
Optimization of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics through prodrug/ formulation/ structural modification for drug-repurposing.
Herbal nanotechnology lab is, initiated to boost research and development in nanoscience and natural product.
Research activities at Herbal nanotechnology encompass natural product isolation, extraction, and nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems addressing problems in the field of microbial, parasitic, autoimmune, and cancerous disease.
The laboratory is equipped with Behavioral study in which we are evaluating the drugs obtained from different sources for their different CNS activity using animal models including neuroprotective, Alzheimer’s disease.
This laboratory is equipped for evaluation of new drugs obtained from different sources for different metabolic disorders.
This lab is dedicated to the development of various biomaterials like new polymers for pharmaceutical formulations, drug-polymer conjugates, functional foods, etc.
It also develops quality monographs of herbs/herbal formulations, standard manufacturing procedures, and evaluation of their pharmacological activity/toxicity assessment.
Drug development lab research on newer antibacterial agents, antifungal and antileprotic agents.
Synthesized newer heterocyclic derived molecules or semisynthetic organic candidates through different named reactions.
Purification and separation and characterization of prepared molecules.
The primary research areas of this lab are Quantum Cryptography, Near threshold Computation (NTC) in Reconfigurable Hardware, and Hardware Security.
Quantum Cryptography and Hardware Security are relevant to address various security threats in modern applications.
Near threshold Computation in Reconfigurable Hardware for Tensor Processor Unit (TPU) is required for green computing.
It is a multidisciplinary team of researchers dedicated to finding innovative and sustainable ways to address the current issue related to the application of Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in diverse research domains such as Biomedical, Electrical Power & Energy, Signal Processing, Computer Vision, and many more.
The Computational Intelligence Applied Multidisciplinary Research (CIAMR) Lab promotes and advances smart infrastructure systems and their corresponding sensing technologies focusing on multidisciplinary fields spanning data mining and visualization, including new biologically inspired machine learning algorithms, like evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence and neural networks, infrastructure sustainability and resiliency, reliability-based design and risk assessment.
It is engaged in the following area of Research area like Machine learning, data mining, and knowledge discovery and applications in biomedical informatics (medical image and omics data analysis), natural language processing, computer vision, Power & Energy, etc.
Probabilistic planning and reinforcement learning.
Bio-inspired computing – genetic algorithms, swarm intelligence, artificial neural networks Theory, and applications of information visualization
This lab was developed in the year 2018 with a mission to study the renewable power generation systems.
Moreover, this lab also focuses on integration and power control of SEIG-based isolated systems.
Different alternatives for wind energy generation are analyzed and designed in the lab.
The lab constitutes one 13 kW On-Grid System and one 3.3 kW Off-Grid System. The On grid system feed the power directly into the grid. The grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic System would be a demonstration plant to harness renewable energy.
The data generated by the lab would be utilized for various research experiments by faculties and useful for practical classes of UG, PG, and Ph.D. students of the college.
The work have been carried out under DSP control lab, power electronic converter control, induction motor drive, EV charging and running controller design.
The research group of “Nanomaterials & Device Fabrication Laboratory” comprises a couple of Ph.D. scholars and PG students
The research domain is about Multiferroic Nanomaterials, nanocomposites, and thin films, with a greater focus on its structural and optical properties for applications in the field of photocatalysis and photovoltaics.
The laboratory is meant for the synthesis of nano-oxide semiconducting materials, Synthesis of bulk and a thin film of oxide semiconductors, Synthesis of bulk III-V semiconductors, synthesis of composite materials for various sensing applications and
It also engaged in Designing of MEMS by using COMSOL Multiphysics.
In this lab Synthesis and characterization of dielectrics, piezoelectric, ferroelectrics, Soli-solid composites, Polymer-ceramic composites, multi-functional advanced materials, smart materials, thin film of polymer-ceramic composites using various methods.
This laboratory is developed for chemistry department to provide the instrumental facility to the faculty members, research scholars and M.Sc students
In this lab daily weather parameters are recorded
Also engaged in short range forecast is prepared using numerical weather prediction products along with local weather data.
Interconnected 39 desktops with LINUX operating system are installed in LAB located in 3 rd floor with UPS for two hours backup to avoid interruption of running the model otherwise model running will be stopped and fresh practices meant for the model will be initiated again. Atmospheric pressure (surface), temperature, humidity (every hour), rainfall (surface only), geopotential height of standard isobaric levels, wind direction with speed for three hours difference from surface up to 100 hp of standard isobaric levels for 72 hours are generated by the model for the preparation of weather forecast of Odisha state. Future proposal for tropical cyclone forecast taking the whole Bay of Bengal along with east coast domain.
In this lab lighting warnings generated through analysis of LDS are transmitted through WhatsApp to registered users including SRC of Govt. of Odisha.
The warning data are verified from casualty reports of media, IMD observation, and reports of BDOs at 13 OAS locations.
This Lab, has different nontraditional and traditional machining equipment along with metallographic instruments to carry out the project, research work of MTech, and Ph.D. for microstructure analysis and testing.
The laboratory has been established aiming to utilize renewable sources to produce energy for power generation.
Four Ph.D. students have been awarded by working in this laboratory and two scholars are currently pursuing their Ph.D. by using this laboratory.
The laboratory has been established aiming to utilize the computational resources for research work. Ph.D. and Master's students working in this lab for their research work.