Research Program
Doctoral and different Post-Doctoral programs in various disciplines are offered by Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University). These programs are governed by the respective Regulations of SOA.
Doctoral Program
Research program leading to Ph.D. degree is offered in nine different disciplines such as Engineering, Basic Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Medical Science, Dental Science, Biotechnology, Nursing, Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Law and Agricultural Sciences. The programs offered by different Departments and Centres of SOA are in both Full-Time and Part- Time mode. Fellowship is awarded to deserving Full-Time candidates who have to pursue their research in SOA as per the stipulated norms of full-time scholars. Course work is an integral part of the Ph.D. program. The coursework consists of some mandatory subjects such as Research Methodology and Research & Publications Ethics besides other Departmental subjects, Seminars and Com- prehensive Viva Voce. The research scholars are formally registered to the Ph.D. program after the completing the required course credits. Each research scholar is supervised by a Supervisor and a Co-Supervisor (if required). Besides, there is a Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC) to mentor the student and monitor the research work of the concerned student besides supervisors. The registration is valid for a maximum period of eight years. The minimum period for submission of Ph.D. thesis is three years. Research progress is assessed in every semester by a committed duly constituted by SOA. For full time scholars, the fellowship is renewed with satisfactory performance in the progress review seminar. The scholar has to publish minimum of three papers in peer reviewed SCOPUS in- dexed journals before submission of the thesis. In order to maintain the quality, the thesis is evaluated by two external experts, one from India and one from abroad.
The Ph.D. program is governed by the Ph.D. Regulation of SOA which takes care of UGC regulation and guidelines of other regulating bodies.